



Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM | Sat: 10AM-2PM

I have never had a massage. What do I need to know?
On your first visit, Tammy will go over our Intake Form with you to help determine what your goals are. If possible, please complete it online here prior to your appointment.

Please shower before massage.

When we’re ready to begin, you will undress to whatever your level of comfort is – you will be provided a drape during the massage. You will be asked if there are areas that you want more work, less, or to be skipped altogether. We will work with you to determine how much pressure you want – so be sure to let us know if at any time it is too strong or not strong enough.

Do I have to remove my underwear when I get a massage?
Many people prefer to keep their panties or briefs on during a massage, while others prefer to be completely nude. It’s totally up to you.

If your problem areas are your lower back, hips, buttocks, or groin, tight-fitting underwear can sometimes get in the way of massage work, but a thong for women or briefs for men should ensure we can reach the areas we need to massage.

Just for your own information, in North America, if you do remove your underwear, a licensed massage therapists must ensure that you are always properly covered by a sheet or towel. Only the area being massaged can be uncovered.

Do we have to talk during the massage?
Although some people prefer to talk throughout the massage, don’t feel like you have to make conversation. You’re having a treatment, you’re not at a party. Feel free to close your eyes and relax.

Deep tissue massage and sports massage can require more feedback. We often work on deeper layers of your muscles and will want to ensure that the pressure is not uncomfortable.

Please be sure to speak up if:
•you experience pain
•you have any questions related to the massage
•there’s anything you forgot to mention during the consultation

What is contraindication?
There are certain medical conditions that make massage contraindicated (it can be dangerous to the client to get a massage). These usually include fever, systemic infections, toxemia, injuries in acute stage, certain forms of cancer, phlebitis, some cardiac problems, skin conditions, infectious diseases, etc. In certain occasions, physician’s approval may be required. Please be sure to mention any contraindications you may be experiencing prior to your massage.

What if I Need to Cancel?
To avoid being charged for the full amount of your session, please contact us 24 hours ahead of time if you are unable to make you scheduled appointment. If your appointment is booked the same day you call, please be sure that you can make it, as you may be asked to pay for cancelling.