



Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM | Sat: 10AM-2PM

Massage seems to some an indulgent luxury. In our own lives we have discovered that even though it is a therapy that makes us feel good, there is no reason to feel guilty about practicing it. In fact, by learning how to relax and balance our bodies and minds, we are more likely to take care of ourselves in other ways.

I attended Wood Hygienic Institute Inc. in Kissimmee, Florida, one of the oldest and most respected massage schools in Florida. After my graduation and certification, I opened my own business.

Our clients are drawn to therapeutic massage and related bodywork methods for a multitude of reasons. Many seek relief of muscular aches and pains; some are in need of relaxation and quieting of the mind; others are searching for a way to increase energy and maintain a natural life balance.

People often ask what “type” of massage I do. My work during any typical session is usually a combination of many styles, tailored to the individual I’m working with. I touch into the muscles, layer by layer. My work is slow, methodical and intentional. I seek to “make space” for the muscles to naturally release and relax. I give special attention to areas of concern.

Tammy specializes in:
• Swedish Massage
• Reflexology Massage
• Deep Tissue and Therapeutic Massage
• Chair Massage
• Facial Massage
• Paraffin Bath
• Rain Drop® Technique
• Hot and Cold Packs