



Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM | Sat: 10AM-2PM

Regular Facial Services

Practical Skin Therapies Designed to Help Regenerate, Refresh, and Renew your skin…

Classic Facial Massage…………………………….$45.00
A blissful treatment, that provides deep cleansing and exfoliation, and leaves you feeling pampered and relaxed. Designed to help encourage the regenerative processes of the skin, relax tired facial muscles, and increase circulation. This treatment includes a gentle double cleanse on the face, neck, and chest using massage techniques. 

Body Therapies

Body Brushing (Add-On)……………….$15.00

Body Brushing offers a way to get rid of flaky skin, increase circulation, detoxify, help digestion and even improve the appearance of cellulite rejuvenating your skin. Add Body Brushing to any service.

Clarifying Back Scrub (60 Minutes)……………….$60.00
A Clarifying Back Facial Provides Exfoliation and skin conditioning in an area that is hard to reach and maintain. Highly recommended for those who spend much time in low-backed clothing, or swimsuits, or those suffering with bacne (Back Acne). This treatment can be used to reduce breakouts, smooth and moisturize the skin. It is also recommended if you need to unwind, relax, and relieve tension. A great Gift for Men and Women alike. 

Exfoliating Body Scrub (60 Minutes)……………….$75.00
A Gentle polishing scrub that conditions the skin to silky softness as it polishes to leave you soft and smooth to the touch. Carefully created with a blend of oils and natural salts to nourish your skin to a healthy glow. A service that is beneficial to men and woman alike. 

Body Wrap (60 Minutes)……………….$75.00
A Deeply conditioning wrap that helps to naturally exfoliate and nourish the skin as it hydrates. Relax and be pampered as your skin is gently brushed and smoothed, a creamy Yogurt & Honey blend is gently applied to your skin, and you are wrapped up in comfort and warmth. After your treatment, you will be assisted into a prepared shower, and have a soothing moisturizer massaged into your skin. 

Coconut & Lime Body Scrub (60 Minutes)……………….$80.00
We have taken the idea of the Exfoliating Body scrub to the next level by giving it a twist of lime, and the conditioning benefits of coconut Oil. An exotic treat for the senses, this service leaves your skin feeling smoother and softer. 

Coconut & Lime Body Wrap (60 Minutes)……………….$80.00
Beat the summer heat with this refreshing Coconut & Lime Body wrap! Your skin will be gently brushed and smoothed with a natural Coconut & Lime yogurt wrap, which uses natural enzymes in yogurt to nourish and exfoliate your skin to silky smoothness. Relax and let your mind drift away as you are wrapped up in comfort and warmth for 20 minutes, assisted into a prepared shower, and have a soothing moisturizer massaged into your skin. 

Rain Drop® Technique (60 Minutes)……………….$85.00

Young Living’s proprietary Raindrop Technique® combines unique, targeted massage and energy approaches with pure, authentic essential oils for a deeply harmonizing, rejuvenating, and relaxing experience. The technique draws from his experience with Native American wellness traditions and provides a revolutionary means of nurturing harmony—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The Rain Drop Technique is available for $55, if you provide your own oils.

Colon Hydro Therapy / Colonic (60 Minutes)……………….$110.00 new client or $100 established client

Colon cleansing, also known as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, involves flushing the colon with fluids to remove waste. It’s a practice that’s been around since ancient times, and the benefits are based on the premise that digestive waste can be a toxin to the body.